[Feature] Added "publish map" button to the map editor. Click the button to open up a form which will allow you to upload the map to the server. Once the map is uploaded, everyone will have access to the map at the map selection screen.
[Fix] Ion cannon now does damage to enemy units.
[Fix] Population will now reset properly if you leave a game and start a new one.
[Fix] You can no longer see enemy worker units laser effects through fog of war in multiplayer games.
[Fix] Custom textures are now working again. To test, check out LordNature's map, "Invasion" and you will notice the alien-like terrain near the start points. There is one issue however, if a resource becomes depleted on top of the custom texture, the custom texture is not properly redrawn to the canvas. I intend to fix this purely cosmetic bug in the next patch or in a hotfix.
[Fix] Fixed an issue where you would leave a game, and start a new one on the same map and some of your old destroyed buildings from the previous game would be there on the map.
[Fix] You can now no longer start the game if less than 2 opposing teams are set.
[Fix] When more players are set on any given team than are defined for that team in the map file, the start positions are properly recalculated.
[Fix] Removed useless "other" tab in the map editor.
[Fix] Fixed issue where chat took too long to disappear in some circumstances.
[Fix] Fixed various map editor UI styling issues.
[Fix] Drastically improved performance when the screen is displaying building and rally paths by removing the small circle which appears at every line end/beginning.
[Fix] Fixed the building placement bug caused by clicking too many times on a production menu.
[Fix] Fixed a problem where the computer was sometimes able to shoot at your units while invisible.
[Fix] Dramatically increased visibility of resources on mini map by rendering on top of the fog of war. I also decreased the size of trees on the mini map slightly so they are not easily confused with units.
[Fix] Current selected icons now disappear if the unit dies while selected.
[Fix] Fixed an issue which may have given players with high latency a sever advantage in multiplayer games (their units' health would essentially regenerate after being damaged).
[Fix] Fixed an issue where exploding rounds would never do damage to their targets if they exploded before hitting their target. This mostly happened when shooting at buildings or extremely large units.
[Fix] Fixed major issue which caused bullet properties to read as old values when the bullet was recycled. Example: a gladiator's machine gun was doing the damage of a Merk machine gun.
[Gameplay] Units now fade out after 15 seconds instead of being drawn to the canvas permanently.
[Gameplay] Battleship heavy cannon blast radius decreased from 110 to 80.
[Gameplay] Javelin health increased from 300 to 800 and blast radius decreased from 150 to 90.
[Gameplay] Bullfrog damage increased from 40 to 80 and blast radius decreased from 110 to 50.
[Gameplay] Roller and Gladiator blast radius decreased from 110 to 80.
[Gameplay] Tank factory costs 100 carbon and 50 energy instead of 100 ore and 50 energy.
[Gameplay] Tank Factory and Airstrip build times decreased from 60 to 40 seconds.
[Gameplay] The silencer bullets, being fired from a mounted rail gun, now pass through targets, doing damage to anything in the firing line until the bullet reaches its destination and explodes. Keep in mind, this needs to be microed to work properly. Suppose the Silencer is at x: 50 and y: 50. There are two units directly above the silencer: one at [50,40] and another at [50,30]. If the silencer is targeting and firing upon the unit at [50,40], the bullet will not continue to pass through and hit the unit at [50,30] because it always explodes when it reaches its destination (the destination being the targeting unit at [50,40]). Thus, to do damage to both units, the silencer would need to target the unit at [50,30] so the bullet passes through the unit at [50,40] to reach its destination and explode at [50,30]. The silencer is currently the only unit in the game, other than the Ion Cannon, which can fire bullets which pass through enemy units.
[Gameplay] Enemy units only becomes visible through fog of war if they do damage to your units.
[Gameplay] The Merk, Bullfrog and Silencer energy cost decreased from 50 to 0.
[Gameplay] Bullfrog health increased from 300 to 400.
[Gameplay] Ion cannon damage increased from 35 to 55.